Saturday, 3 June 2017

Day at the Beach

Em had a day off school and I desperately needed a day away from the hospital. It was supposed to be 33 degrees in Winnipeg on Friday so all conditions seemed to be perfect for a trip to the beach. 

I told Emily a few days before about my plans and she was super excited.  Something special just for you is awesome at any age but especially if you are 5.  I told her not to tell Cian because he had school on Friday and she was true to her word and said nothing to him.  This is a huge deal because Cian is her favourite person and she tells him everything.  Interestingly, when we came home and he realized we went to the beach without him he was totally fine but I still think it was the right decision not to tell him beforehand.

The night before Emily said "Mom, a day of just you and me at the beach is everything I ever dreamed about" and my heart totally melted.  I know putting the time in with them is very important even though they very rarely complain about the amount I work. 

In the morning we got packed up and Emily was invested in naming all things we packed and emphatically saying "CHECK" when we had it in the bag.  Then we drove over to Stella's and she hopped out of the car and exclaimed "Are you ready to brunch mom??" Man, I love this kid.

We had breakfast at Stella's and Emily was too excited to help me with the crossword to really dive into her cinnamon bun.  She ate it on the way to the beach instead.  I got a coffee from Them Baergan  and we were off.

It was a gorgeous prairie drive.  We got the West Gate of Grand Beach and brought out all of our stuff.  Emily carried all of the toys.  I instantly set up the new sun shelter I bought from Canadian Tire.  Basically I can't believe I've ever gone to the beach without one - it's awesome.  We ate snacks from our cooler and made a "super sand castle".  Everyone told me the water would be cold but it was refreshing and we spent a tonne of time in the water having water gun fights.  Emily wanted to stay forever but was good when we had to head home.  She was a total delight to spend the day with.  She is one of my favourite humans and I am so lucky to be her mom.