Sunday, 29 April 2018

Life with Sam

Sam is 3 months old and we are enjoying him immensely.  With Cian and Emily I was still in residency and had my exam and expectations looming. With Sam we can rest and enjoy him and our life as a family and that is such a tremendous gift.

Sam is a pretty relaxed kid.  In a lot of ways he has a similar temperament to Keith.  This is extremely fortunate as the other two are wild and certainly wild about him.  They aggressively love him and he seems to take it all in stride.

We are also more relaxed as parents which I am sure is part of it.  Breastfeeding is going a lot better because he is a great feeder but also because I am not stressed about whether it works or not.  We fully expected not to sleep well and although he does wake up to feed every 2-3hours he goes right back. to sleep and we aren't too worried about it if he doesn't (although I have to admit that today I am a bit tired as he decided that 5am was a good start to our day).  He is happy watching the antics of his brother and sister from the comfort of his little blue chair or his swing and they like to entertain him with his toys or reading his little books to him.  They drag him around in that little chair to wherever they are so he doesn't feel left out.  I think that was probably my biggest worry about having a third kiddo so much later than the other two - that he would feel left out.  So far, I don't think that will be a problem.  Cian and Em are both so kind to him and also seem to be grateful that he is a part of our family.  He's a gift for all of us.