We have been in the new house about 6 months now and it's slowly (slower than I expected) starting to feel like home.
There is more and more art on the walls. Slowly we are putting personal touches in all the rooms. I have to admit I hadn't really recognized all the work that would continue once we moved in. I thought once we got into a new house we would have "arrived" but we just swapped one project for another one.
I think it's going to take quite some time before we feel like we've gotten the house where we want it but we did reach one milestone yesterday.
Em had her birthday party last night with eight 12 year olds in the basement. They had free range of that space and it was fun to hear the squeals and goofing off of kids having fun in the basement (especially behind a closed door). A big motivation for us was to have a space for the kids to have their friends over. There was some misadventures we weren't expecting: who knew a 12 year old's birthday would involve barfing from too much candy, a hole in the spare room wall and a broken glass.
Em assures me that they tried to convince Liam who threw up to drink more water and that was the major problem but I told her that convincing your friends to drink more water when they are busy doing stupid stuff is a lifelong journey. I guess we are all works in progress whether you are a 12 year old kid or a brand new house.