Sunday 10 May 2015

Creative Time on Mother's Day

Our tradition for days like Mother's Day or Father's Day is to give the other person time to have family time if they want but also to do other things they enjoy.  Today I got to spend some time in the loft (which I have completely rid of anything exam-related) and worked on the video I've had in my head since we left Australia.  Also, on days like this I get a little nostalgic (as I do every day that ends in y).  Anyway, it took longer to figure out how to share it than it did to make it but in case anyone wants to see the finished product - here it is.

Thanks to everyone who encouraged us to go to Australia last year and for all the people who came into our lives while we were there to share in our amazing experience.  I truly believe that the Land Down Under healed my soul and taught me how to breathe again.

Our Year in Australia

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