Sunday 7 February 2021

Stuck in a Pandemic with You

 Manitoba is in the middle of a cold snap.  It is way too cold outside (for penguins and every other mammal).  None of us are particularly interested in freezing our tails off so we're staying put inside.

We're heading into almost a year of pandemic life.  It feels like we've lived this way forever and yet a year still surprises me.  There have certainly been ups and downs.  This kind of life is almost entirely Sam's understanding which is wild and I wonder how that will affect him moving forward.

Spending so much time in your house really makes you evaluate how you feel about the people who live there with you.  I'm so thankful that I love the people in this house more and more each day.  I hope this time together solidifies our connection as a family.  If I have to be stuck in a pandemic - I am sure glad it's with these four amazing humans. 

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