BUT yesterday despite a year of ups and downs with illness for our little asthmatic she got to performance day well and ready to go.
I went to both shows mostly so that I could be alone in the first one and just enjoy the moment completely on my own. She was clearly nervous but she did such an incredible job. All the kids put in such a great performance! Their teachers had clearly prepared them for handling if there were any technical issues or if they made a flub. There were very few flubs though - they did amazing.
I went backstage between the two shows to check on her and she had felt good about the performance bolstered by the audience reactions I think but was still a bit nervous. She was getting more confident over the course of the show and I was hopeful with a little encouragement she would knock it out of the park on the second show when all of her friends were coming.
And indeed she did! She relaxed a bit and had some fun and her singing was amazing! She's still the skinniest teapot that has probably existed but she rocked that teapot costume like a champ.
Last year's setback was really tough and she wasn't sure she wanted to do musical theatre again this year and I am SO thankful that she got back out there and tried again, risking heartbreak, to enjoy a year of crafting a show with a great group of kids and enjoying the euphoria of thunderous audience applause (x2). What a kid.
Thank you to our friends who made the time to come out on a beautiful Saturday afternoon to cheer on our girl. Thank you to the whole Rivardson crew (even Justin on call!), Katie, Adrian - who couldn't come but gifted her tickets to Cheryl and Caitlin who were happy to use them, Olivier Poliquin who has never even seen the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast and is not the kind of kid that singing teapots were made for but was such a supportive friend and brought the cutest plant for Em, her proud dad and her brothers who dressed up and brought their personally picked bouquets for their sister. Cian picked pink and purple flowers because those are Em's favourite and he is the kind of kid who pays attention to the details of what other people love and always wants to give that to them. Sam picked orange and blue because he is a kid who likes a wow factor and razzle dazzle in everything he does (including his bombing outfit, red shoes and gold mohawk). Em loved getting flowers from her brothers.
Yesterday was the culmination of two years of hard work - one that ended in heartbreak and one that ended in resounding success. We are so proud of how Emily handled both.
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved." - Helen Keller

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