Sunday 26 April 2015

Kid-free Vacation

Last week I went to a conference in Orlando and Keith came with me.  My parents came out to watch the kids and it's a testament to how fun my parents are that our children had no issue with us going to Disneyland without them.

The conference was good.  I learned a lot and met a few people.  I'm unclear why that has to occur in a windowless, severely air-conditioned room but I'm not an organizer so it is what it is.  It was definitely worth going so that's positive.

After the conference we spent a day at Universal and a day at Disneyland. We blitzed Universal - going on 17 rides and doing all the big splash rides,  stood in awe at all the creativity in the Harry Potter exhibitions (it's amazing), had Butterbeer and basically we were giant nerds.  We were there for 13 hours running from ride to ride like kids.  With two minutes to spare we made the last run of the E.T. ride, hopped on the bikes and floated over the city to the sounds of that iconic music.  What a memory and I caught Keith watching me as I relived childhood memories. The perfect way to end off the night.

We spent the next day at Disneyland.  We went to Pixie Hollow to meet our daughter's favourite Tinkerbell (thanks for blowing her a kiss Tink!) and I had reserved Fastpasses for Keith's favourite rides.  As we were standing at the gate to enter the Space Mountain roller coaster suddenly it washed over me how lucky we were to have all these memories together.  That after almost 11 years together that we have shared almost a third of our lives and that he is the only person that will remember what it felt like as we walked into Diagon Alley together or as we sat together having snacks waiting for Disney's electric parade.  I am the only person who got to see him see his first big character parade at Disneyland and watch him take pictures to show our kids.  I regularly realize how lucky I am to be in a loving marriage but I don't think I'd thought about the memory aspect and how for people who aren't married anymore how that's an added hurt to what they have to go through. That your memory companion isn't with you anymore.  For all my friends where that is part of your life's journey I hope you know I'm thinking of you and that I don't take what I have for granted.

We sat on the stoop on Main Street that evening and watched the Electric Parade and the fireworks show.  What amazing creativity and wonder - I can't wait to share it with the kids when they are a bit older.  We spent a lot of time thinking about how we would share this adventure with them - it's a nice way to spend a day in Disneyland - preparing to share it with your kids.  It was a wonderful break for Keith and I to recharge and to come back to our kids with a newfound enthusiasm.  It was also really good for them to spend solo time with their grandparents - I remember the times I had alone with my grandparents with such fondness and it's so good for them.  Even if they get spoiled rotten as yesterday would attest:

Cian:  Mom I want ice cream with cookies in it.
Me: Where did you get something like that?
Cian: YOUR mom gave it to me - OMI!

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Tooth Fairy

Cian lost his front tooth on the weekend and put a note under his pillow for the tooth fairy.  In the morning I had forgotten that the tooth fairy came in the night and brought him a loonie and four quarters (our tooth fairy is clearly a frugal Mennonite).  He runs out of the room with his coins and proclaims "MOM, I HAVE MONEY!"  and without a thought or hesitation "I'M GOING TO BUY EMMY A CAR!" How does that not melt your heart?

I told him the tooth fairy had brought that money for him and that he could spend it on himself but he wanted to buy a car for his sister so Keith took him to the store and luckily Hot Wheels were on sale for $1 each so Keith convinced him to get one for Em and one for himself and he would cover the taxes.

What a great kid - so proud to be his mom.

Friday 3 April 2015


I have decided that I am doing a big Thanksgiving meal in every season.

There are many reasons for this:

1) I love throwing dinner parties
2) I love filling the house with people
3) I love spending all day cooking and baking in my pajamas
4) Not everyone I love can come to the fall Thanksgiving
5) I have too much to be thankful for - it can't fit into a once a year activity

So I figured four times a year would be a much better prospect and that way I can experiment with different food and differing groups of friends.  The constant at each I have decided will be my Grandmother's perschke.  It's my tribute to her at each dinner, like she's always there with me in the kitchen.

We had Springsgiving last Sunday and it was a smashing success.  Devin was visiting, we had our staple family members there and close friends with their kiddos.  An extended adult table and an attached kid table was great fun and there was lots of food and beverages.  Everyone said what they were thankful for (including cups!) and it was great to reconnect with old friends and get to know new ones better.  There is so much to be thankful for in my life and hopefully celebrating gratitude will help me raise thankful children too.  Thanks to all our friends and family near and far for all that you are in our lives.

Spring Break

This past week we had a visitor in our basement during Spring Break....the beloved Devin Bruce.

The kids woke up every morning at 6am (and the last night at 4am - ohhh Cian) and would "sneak" downstairs to jump on their teddy bear of a buddy tucked in behind the couch in the basement.  They would play video games and watch fun shows, have story time and dance parties.  The "guy with the beard" was a huge hit as always.

Keith had a buddy to play boardgames and card games with (I have no interest in Game of Thrones the card game) and I had someone to get dressed up with and go out for a fancy dinner and watch old movies in an old theatre (Roman Holiday at the Met - so lovely!).

Our "new" friends met our "old" friend over the course of his time here and became fast friends too.  Lots of food and sightseeing recommendations which ended up with fresh donut discoveries making it back to our house (a delicious perk!).

It's occasionally a little awkward still (only for Devin and I) but that is changing over time, like a dissonant chord progression that might not be what you expect but is lovely just the same.