Friday, 3 April 2015

Spring Break

This past week we had a visitor in our basement during Spring Break....the beloved Devin Bruce.

The kids woke up every morning at 6am (and the last night at 4am - ohhh Cian) and would "sneak" downstairs to jump on their teddy bear of a buddy tucked in behind the couch in the basement.  They would play video games and watch fun shows, have story time and dance parties.  The "guy with the beard" was a huge hit as always.

Keith had a buddy to play boardgames and card games with (I have no interest in Game of Thrones the card game) and I had someone to get dressed up with and go out for a fancy dinner and watch old movies in an old theatre (Roman Holiday at the Met - so lovely!).

Our "new" friends met our "old" friend over the course of his time here and became fast friends too.  Lots of food and sightseeing recommendations which ended up with fresh donut discoveries making it back to our house (a delicious perk!).

It's occasionally a little awkward still (only for Devin and I) but that is changing over time, like a dissonant chord progression that might not be what you expect but is lovely just the same.

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