Friday, 31 December 2021
2021 comes to an end...
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Hey Old Man
Yesterday we lost a colleague who was larger than life. He was the kind of teacher that made you feel like you were an Olympic surgeon even when truthfully you were still a floundering novice with waterwings in the shallow end. Nothing much ruffled his feathers in the operating room. If you got to be with him in the OR you knew you were in for a good day and that you would feel more competent leaving the building than you did walking in.
I didn't just rely on his confidence as a resident. There were numerous times as an attending that he came and saved my butt. As I got better and relied on the skills he taught me more and more the times I called him were less frequent but the stakes were also typically higher. In some of my most difficult cases in my career (thus far) he was with me, in the thick of it, standing under the same hot surgery lights together. He always came. You never had to worry he wasn't going to come and help. He would always saunter in, scrub pants slung a little too low, wafting cologne, sometimes eating an apple or drinking coffee from a styrofoam cup and then when he realized he'd have to take a good look at the situation he would take his spectacles from around his neck and clasp them over the bridge of his nose to see what was really going on.
He was the person who encouraged me to go into Pediatric Gynecology. He told me about all the cool surgeries he had seen happen in paediatrics and thought it would be a good fit. He sat on the phone with me once for 45 minutes telling me in granular detail about how to approach getting a fellowship and job in this area. Very few people would suspect it was him but his approval and encouragement propelled me forward. We would talk while he did paperwork in his "office" in the men's locker room at the Old Women's Hospital. He was inappropriate like that and in so many other ways. He would constantly say inappropriate things but there was never any weight behind them because he would crumble into a pile of blushing embarrassment with any witty retort from me. I got used to calling him "Old Man" especially over the last year when he started looking more like one.
Our OR days were on the same day and invariably at some point during one of his breaks between cases he would come in to my OR and see what I was up to. He would always tease me that I was doing something laparoscopically that could be done 10x faster with a cut on the belly. There was often a warm pat on the shoulder on his way out the door back to his own OR. He was terribly stuck in the old ways of surgery even though he had every stitch of skill required to learn the new way. He would tease me but also be a bit proud that I would persist at getting something out laparoscopically that he would think was too big. I was always proud to tell him that I did it - like a toddler reporting back - and he was always begrudgingly amused. I was still reporting back this past Friday night when I texted him about a great case that went perfectly and thanking him for making me a surgeon. He saw that text before he died on Saturday and I'm so thankful I told him how much I appreciated all that he taught me.
We found out he had passed on Monday morning and everyone was shocked but not surprised. He didn't want to tell us he was unwell but we all knew. He gave a lot to his work - he was allowed to keep some things to himself. I think I will remember that day for a long time because I had the most "him" day that is possible to have. I spent the morning in the procedure room he worked in every week for decades. The staff were all choking back emotion but it was obvious. So obvious that I told my first patient of the day what had transpired. She was so gracious and kind. So often we heal patients but they heal us a bit too - that was certainly the case here. "It'll be like he's with us" she said. He would have wanted us to keep working and that's what we did.
My afternoon had a surgical surprise that turned a 45 minute case into a 5 hour one. This type of case is not usually a surprise and involves a lot of planning but obstetrics is full of surprises and we certainly got one yesterday. It was the type of case he was known for and I would have called him but then had the deepest of realizations that I could not call him. The man who always came when I needed help, who would have certainly come for this, couldn't come. I had to take a deep breath and know that he taught me everything I needed to know in that moment and to just get on with it. And I did. I could do it...even without him. I don't know if you ever feel ready until you have to be and what I wouldn't give to report back to him on that case. I will miss the reassurance of his pat on the shoulder in the OR. I hope he was smiling down through those surgical lights in OR 1.
He touched countless lives - he saw women at their most desperate and had the skills to help them. He taught us and as his students we have fanned out across this country and across the world. His impact is not measurable - it's felt every time we pick up a scalpel or teach a resident and reverberates for generations. Rest well Old Man.
Saturday, 19 June 2021
On Friday Emily and I ditched work and school and went to Steep Rock. It was not the most beautiful day - a bit colder and windy but it was so nice to head out on an adventure just me and her. She is 9 already and growing up so fast. We listened to Stephen Fry's narration of the 6th book of Harry Potter on the long drive there and back. We packed lots of snacks. Only one of us went into the water (is was not this cold water wimp). We made some memories. It was a good day.
Tuesday, 1 June 2021
Monday, 8 March 2021
International Women's Day
Saturday, 13 February 2021
I am not a huge fan of the cold.
I know I live in Winnipeg (Winterpeg) and that the Prairies are very predictably freezing at this time of year but it doesn't prevent me from wanting to hermit in the house and not go outside.
However, today my friend gave me the wonderful gift of switching calls with me so that I could have an extended long weekend off and she LOVES the winter. I tease
her about this but she is unreasonably enthusiastic about winter in this country. I thought we were just switching Saturdays but turns out in doing so she has an extended stretch of call which really made me feel I shouldn't waste the day staying inside being grumpy about how cold it is here (albeit predictably so I really can't blame the weather).
Instead I decided to have a super fun day as a family - polar vortex be damned! We brainstormed lots of ideas of theme days today (so many I need to find that paper and save it for later) but everyone agreed on the Morris Polar Vortex Olympics. Agreement when your children are 12, 9 and 3 is very hard to come by so I grabbed the opportunity.
We watched some opening ceremonies from the 2010 Winter Olympic Games and it was fun to rewatch that. Cian was a baby when that was on and I had forgotten how theatrical those ceremonies were. It definitely got us in the spirit.
We planned for the afternoon for festivities. We had our Canadian flag (we decided we were all to be on Team Canada) and our maple leaf cheeks. We made an Olympic "torch". We serendipitously had 3 soccer medals each of the appropriate colour so we were set. Keith was his usual begrudgingly good-natured tagalong.
We started as every good sporting event would - with O Canada. I played it very badly on the violin and we (mostly Em and I) sang along. Our opening ceremonies were throwing boiling water out on the back deck. It's no choreographed multimillion dollar epic achievement but it was still mind-blowing if you are 3 years old.
We had 5 events planned: sledding, snow soccer, snow sprint, ice dancing musical chairs and moose riding. We proudly brought our Canadian flag everywhere we went.
First stop was sledding behind R.A. Steen Community Centre. There's a very short and quick sled there. The participants played on the "Olympic Village" fort while everyone took a turn. Even our mascot the Moose got a turn. Here's something interesting we learned - the blow-up moose will lose it's shape if temperatures are below -26 (feels like -35) We decided moose riding was an indoor activity.
Gold Medal in Sledding: Cian! Cian's run garnered a lot of speed and he hit the fence at a place it was not tethered to the ground and he went right under the fence AND it took his toque off AND he wasn't hurt. We all agreed he deserved Gold for that.
Next stop was Snow Soccer - it was the classic story of boys against girls. Sam was very interested in the playground so his allegiance was quite split (as was his time). Both teams made a solid effort. Dad and Cian had a super cool move where Keith was walking easily toward our goal and then at the last second kicked the ball behind him to Cian who scored. The girls played a much more aggressively aggressive game. Sam even got a goal. All had fun and we declared Snow Soccer a tie game!
We then did the Snow Race. All 3 kids felt you needed to start in a runner's pose with your hands on the ground but I was not committed enough to touch the tundra in the Laura Second field. I feel Keith may have thrown this one and might have ranked higher but I came in second! (parents can't medal as we are Olympic judges)
Gold Medal in Snow Race: Emily!
We then came home with the girls pulling all the boys (I had Keith and Sam in my sled). Sam had such a good attitude throughout our time outside (his sister was quite challenging - are we in preteen years yet?) so Gold Medal in Sportsmanship: Sam!
When we got home we decided to make our Maple Syrup taffy. We had read how to do it but our first attempt sat in the freezing snow too long and was hard as a rock. Second time was the charm here and you could almost convince yourself you were at Festival du Voyageur!
We then finished our last two games. I wanted to have the chairs outside for Musical Chairs but I was vetoed. Sam really got into the "dancing" portion of the Ice Dancing Musical Chairs and used the excuse to show off his excellent breakdancing moves. We then taught him musical chairs (which he LOVED) to the classic Canadian theme - the Logdriver's Waltz. Em was the first one out here and learned additional valuable lessons about grace and sportsmanship.
Gold Medal in Ice Dancing Musical Chairs: Cian!
Last but certainly not least was Moose Riding. I'm glad we didn't attempt it outside as I think we would have had a decent chance of a broken moose. Everyone enjoyed getting to ride the moose down the longest section of our house (from front door to back). Sam loved being encouraged and loves that run everyday so it was a familiar course for him. The kids did great. The adults were less than stellar which the kids really loved. I somehow thought I would easily bounce on a tiny moose but at one point near the kitchen island I just crawled lying on top of it. I was at least better than Keith but that's not saying much.
Gold Medal in Moose Riding: Emily!
We then did our Polar Vortex Olympic Medal ceremonies to each of the events. The kids loved getting their permutations of medals over and over again to the sounds of Big Sugar's O Canada. Sam especially loved getting a medal - he didn't care what colour it was he was just interested in getting one.
We topped off our night with Beef Tenderloin French dip sandwiches and maple cookies and a viewing of the always fantastic Cool Runnings. Sanka was right I was "feeling very Olympic today!"
Sunday, 7 February 2021
Stuck in a Pandemic with You
Manitoba is in the middle of a cold snap. It is way too cold outside (for penguins and every other mammal). None of us are particularly interested in freezing our tails off so we're staying put inside.
We're heading into almost a year of pandemic life. It feels like we've lived this way forever and yet a year still surprises me. There have certainly been ups and downs. This kind of life is almost entirely Sam's understanding which is wild and I wonder how that will affect him moving forward.
Spending so much time in your house really makes you evaluate how you feel about the people who live there with you. I'm so thankful that I love the people in this house more and more each day. I hope this time together solidifies our connection as a family. If I have to be stuck in a pandemic - I am sure glad it's with these four amazing humans.
Sunday, 3 January 2021
New Year's Letter 2021
We hope this letter finds you well. Our family of 5 has had similar feelings to most of you while leaving 2020 behind with hopes that 2021 brings better times. We can’t really complain though because for the most part our family has had it pretty good this year. Yes, I had to work in a pandemic with all the anxiety and unknowns that brought into our lives, but we have been spared a lot of the hardship other people have experienced this year. We have thought a lot about those severely impacted by this pandemic and are hopeful the vaccines improve things ASAP.
Here’s the best of 2020 from the Morrises:
Keith would like everyone to know that he has cared for three kids and a household at home during a pandemic and done so successfully all while being…A MAN. Being a stay at home dad has made him even more of a feminist than he was before. He has done an incredible job of keeping everyone sane and staying sane himself. Our little house wasn’t completely designed to hold 5 people all the time but it’s managed. We are very lucky that we have a stay at home parent in our house so it was easy to pull our kids from school even a week before requested in March. Online school would have been a bit easier for Keith to help with if Sammy wasn’t around causing trouble, but we would miss the constant presence of his shenanigans. In the summer we bought a play structure and gave it new life as our summer “project” and Keith didn’t divorce me even though the project was a bit more complicated than anticipated, so that’s a win. Our marriage is still 16.5 years strong!
Highlight of 2020: Soccer in the summer. The kids (and their dad) love soccer and we thought they wouldn’t get a season this year with the pandemic. Fortunately they decided to proceed with soccer but in the summer instead of the spring. With so many other activities canceled in the summer having soccer 4 nights a week was a fun way for us all to get outside and for Keith to finally get to interact with other adults. It was less stressful in summer than spring and Keith secretly hopes that’s what happens next summer too. Yay soccer!
Cian entered Grade 6 this year which seems surreal. His biggest interest is getting his own phone which he will likely get when he goes to Gordon Bell next year. He enjoyed ice camp with Scouts in January before the pandemic hit and won an ice fishing award. He also helped his Opa build his new bedroom in the basement which is pretty cool. He is all set up down there now and isn’t really a “kid” so much anymore (cue sobbing from his mother). Cian started piano lessons and he went to his first concert - Wilco. In the fall Cian started horse riding that incorporates occupational therapy/core strength. He loves it and his strengths get to shine there which is so lovely to see as parents. I fully expect to spend more time with Cian in a barn.
Highlight of 2020: Family and friends and playing games with his new Star Wars headset.
Emily started Grade 3 - she’s in the French program. She did very well when I told her the day before her 8th birthday (March 15th) that we would have to cancel her birthday party because of the pandemic. Good thing I had knocked it out of the park last year with her Harry Potter birthday spectacular. Instead of a birthday party we took advantage or her big brother moving out of her room and transformed it into her Harry Potter sanctuary. We made a big mural on her wall and had lots of fun doing that together. She took to online school very easily and had Wednesday zoom chats with her friends. Emily went on her first overnighter canoe trip with her mom and big brother and loved it. She didn’t even complain on the portages. Emily wants everyone to know she fell in love this year…with tacos.
Highlight of 2020: Going to the cabin just before Christmas and spending 3 days tobogganing with her brothers.
Sam spent most of 2020 doing his favourite activity…eating. You can almost always find him in the kitchen with crackers, craisins or his favourite; FRUIT. He likes to “help” with unbagging the groceries so he has first access to any fruit entering this house. Sam loves being outside, especially with his siblings or in the carrier on the back of mom’s bike. He is the most dramatic and hilarious of the Morris children and loves to perform for his bigger siblings who dote on him. He has been everyone’s joy during this pandemic.
Highlight of 2020: Fraggle Rock 2nd birthday. Sam was the only person who got a typical birthday in our house this year and he had a great one. We had a few families over for Sam’s favourite, spaghetti and meatballs, and he had a Fraggle Rock birthday cake.
Hot off the heels of my amazing trip to Australia in December 2019 I found myself watching the brewing pandemic. There have been lots of unknowns and constant updates and changes to PPE and N95 masks. The pandemic has made it harder to care for patients but it also has been an inspiring time to work with such amazing colleagues. I changed call groups this year and I have had such amazing support in my group which has been a highlight of 2020 for me. I had a wonderful day at Festival du Voyageur with my friend Paul before the lockdown. I got very close to my friends Vanessa and Steph at work and Steph’s son Ben was born on my birthday. Vanessa and I paddled the Manigotagan River this year and have put our deposit down for the Nahanni in NWT in summer 2021. Keith signed me up for violin lessons as I had been wanting to do that and I am really enjoying learning an instrument as an adult (even over Zoom) Our nephew Charlie was born safely at the end of March. Even under mask and goggles I still get to go to a job I love and care for people and that is a real gift.
Highlight of 2020: Spending so much time together as a family of 5. Whether we are having “Movies and Snacks” on Fridays or playing outside or dressing up as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (our halloween costume) I know these times are precious and fleeting and I am so thankful for them.
May 2021 bring renewed hope to us all. We think of the families and communities who have lost loved ones to Covid-19 or to other illnesses because of the pandemic. Our hearts are also with people who have suffered economic hardship and isolation. This has been a hard year for many and I hope that 2021 brings hope, laughter, smiles that we can see and HUGS. We love you very much and no pandemic can take that away. Stay healthy and well friends.
The Morris family